October Food Calendars

Did you know that Casa CAFI offers collective kitchens at its new address on Wellington on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the day? Did you know that church of the Epiphany has vegetarian cooking workshops on Tuesday evenings? If you didn’t, you must not be checking out the monthly food calendars put out by Verdun sans faim. They are a wealth of information about community meals - including, in case we needed to remind you, every Wednesday at SouthWest Mission - as well as workshops, food banks and other programs like our Mini-market that help you stretch the food budget while eating healthy. Here are the calendars for October:

Le deuil et l'exil, par Joëlle Leduc

Publié dans Aujourd’hui Credo

Magnifique samedi après-midi d’automne au cimetière Hillside à Morin Heights. D’ici, j’ai une vue sur le ciel d’un bleu éclatant, les arbres au feuillage chatoyant et la petite chapelle blanche en bas de la côte.

J’attends la famille du défunt, que je ne connaissais pas. Je ne les ai jamais rencontrés. Tout s’est fait au téléphone : “We want a simple traditional grave side service. Something short. The funeral has already been done in Toronto. No need for further conversation.”

Le défunt était membre de la paroisse, mais vivait à Toronto depuis plusieurs décennies. Il revient pour être enterré avec les siens. « C’est de plus en plus commun, me dit le fossoyeur. Beaucoup de gens sont partis trouver du travail à l’extérieur de la province, mais ils reviennent se faire enterrer ici, parce que leurs racines sont ici. » Et résonnent dans ma tête les paroles d’une chanson de Victor Court, vedette country locale, “When I pass away, and my bones are dust, and I am lying 6 feet deep, wrapped inside this land I love, I will never leave”.

Après un service simple, court et traditionnel, selon les vœux de la famille, les gens se dispersent doucement et vont visiter d’autres tombes dans le petit cimetière. Ils sont peut-être partis depuis plusieurs années, mais leur famille et leurs amis décédés sont ici, tout près les uns des autres.

De retour d’exil géographique, ils ont besoin d’entendre des mots familiers, traditionnels, qui font écho à leurs souvenirs d’enfance. De retour à leurs racines, le sentiment d’appartenance est déjà là et n’a besoin que d’être confirmé.


À Sainte-Adèle, notre paroisse francophone, l’exil est bien différent. Alors que pour la communauté anglophone l’exil est géographique, pour beaucoup de franco-protestants, l’exil est religieux. Trois paroissiennes ont perdu chacune un parent cette année, mais les funérailles n’ont pas eu lieu dans notre paroisse. Elles ont eu lieu à l’église catholique, parfois tout près, parfois dans une autre ville. Le dimanche après ces funérailles, nous avons fait de notre mieux pour accueillir le deuil en exil, en allumant un cierge, en chantant à la mémoire du défunt ou de la défunte, et en enveloppant de prière les personnes en deuil, affirmant que dans les ténèbres, il y a la lumière, dans la tristesse, il y a l’espoir, et dans la mort, il y a la vie et l’amour éternel.

Vécu à même le culte habituel du dimanche matin, ce moment de commémoration se veut une affirmation d’accueil inconditionnel… Tu es ici chez toi. Tu comptes pour nous. Ton deuil est aussi le nôtre. Nous sommes là pour le vivre avec toi et chercher ensemble la présence aimante de Dieu dans les moments difficiles.

Two Job Offers from APV

Action Prévention Verdun has two positions open for community workers. Both would work with seniors, one focusing on the Spanish-speaking community, the other on other allophone communities. French and English are required, and other languages spoken are a definite asset. Please see job offers (in French) attached. Our understanding is that deadlines have been extended. Contact APV directly for more information.

APV est à la recherche de deux personnes pour combler son équipe de travailleur de milieu pour aînés!

Soul of the community with Saint Columba House

Soul of the Community, Building neighbourhoods of Hope -3


Back by popular demand, a day of interactive workshops, community building and acknowledging the important role of faith communities in creating healthy neighbourhoods.

This event will recognize communities of faith’s opportunity for structuring ways to talk about their identity, purpose, and future.

How can planning be understood as a journey of discernment?

Please save the date and discuss this event in your ministries.

Saturday October 27, 2018, 9:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Saint Columba House 2365 Grand Trunk Montreal

Tout le monde est bienvenu

JGER Committee, Vision and Transformation Committee, Saint Columba House, Montreal City Mission, Edge Network

Minister's Message: Staying the Course

I now live in between two places of ministry and find myself attempting to adapt to new realities. I need to always have that emergency bag with me - tooth brush, razor - and find my way into a new rhythm as we all do in changes within our lives. I have been thinking of this verse:

So let us not become tired of doing good: for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest. (Galatians 6: 9)

There is a lesson in the story of the tortoise and the hare. One was fast and could have easily won, had he not been overly confident and rested during the race. The other just kept plodding along, straight past the finish line. I want to be the plodder, the stick-to-the-path racer, and make it to the finishing line.
Paul writes to a small faith community to not get tired of doing good. When you look for clear results you may not see them in the immediate but if you persist you will reap a harvest.
I see harvest all around me in the Townships with stalls filled with fresh produce from the field. I see the seeds of ministry in Emmanuel and SouthWest and know that we need to not be weary in adjusting to new challenges and to stay the course. Plodders! Not discouraged! And focused on harvest, on the fruit of what we hope for.

The following words are often sung to the tune of Finlandia by Jean Sibelius:

Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side, bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Trust in your God, your Saviour and your guide, 
who through all changes faithful will remain.
Be still me soul, your best, your heavenly friend
through stormy ways leads to a peaceful end.
(VU 652, Katharina von Schlegel)

These words root me In the soil of hope and faith.
Stay the course through times of change. Keep on plodding on the path of life. And do good, always, with a generous spirit knowing that God sustains us and strengthens us.

Rev. David

Click below to hear Libera Boys Choir sing the hymn referenced above.

La fête des récoltes\ Harvest Party


La fête des récoltes - The Harvest Party 

 Le Centre d’agriculture urbaine, le Grand Potager vous invite à un 5@7 le 12 octobre aux serres municipales de Verdun! Pour ceux qui y étaient l’année passée, vous savez que c’est un évènement à ne pas manquer! Venez célébrer la deuxième année du Grand Potager. Des délicieuses bouchées préparées avec des verdures de nos jardins et des boissons seront au rendez-vous. Nous allons présenter notre vision du site. Venez fêter avec nous! Au plaisir de vous accueillir chez Grand Potager, le centre d'agriculture urbaine de l’ouest de l’îleConfirmez votre présence en cliquant ici. Évènement gratuit

The Grand Potager, Urban Agriculture Centre invites you to un 5@7 on October 12th in the Verdun municipal greenhouses! For those who joined us last year you know what this is an event not to be missed. Delicious snacks made from the greens from our urban gardens, will be served along with some drinks. Join us to celebrate our second year and discover the greenhouses. We will be launching our vision for the site. We look forward to hosting you all at Grand Potager, The Urban Agriculture Centre of the west of the island of Montreal. Confirm your presence now by clicking here. Free event

Visite guidée du Grand Potager -  Guided tour of Grand Potager

21 organismes partageant un espace dédié à l'agriculture urbaine; apprenez-en plus sur l'organisme et visitez les serres. Ce 12 octobre, découvrez des projets d’aquaponie, d'hydroponie, de compostage, de plantes rares et exotiques, de murs végétalisés, d'apiculture et plus! Un lieu unique à Montréal, au coeur de Verdun! Reservez votre place dès maintenant sur Eventbrite! La visite sera suivie de notre Fête des Récoltes annuelle! Soyez des nôtres de 18h00 à 20h et rencontrez certains de nos membres!

Visite bilingue

21 organizations sharing a space dedicated to urban agriculture; learn more about the organization and visit the greenhouses.  On October 12th, discover projects in aquaponics, hydroponics, composting, rare and exotic plants, green walls, beekeeping and more! A unique site in Montréal, in the heart of Verdun! Reserve a spot now on Eventbrite! The visit will be followed by our annual Harvest Party! Join us from 5:30pm to 9pm and meet some of our members!

Bilingual event

SouthWest and Emmanuel United Linked in Body, Mind and Spirit

SouthWest United and  Emmanuel United Church in Cowansville linked in Body, Mind and Spirit through Rev. David

This is it: SouthWest and Emmanuel United have officially been approved by Quebec Presbytery and are experiencing half-time ministry.

On Sunday September 16th, SouthWest was blessed to have former congregant, choir member, Verdunite and now licensed lay leader Beryl Barraclough leading worship (Beryl is currently at Kanesatake United in Oka). Bells and whistles were blown in Beryl’s honor as the school alarms rang unprovoked prior to worship but immediately stopped at 11:15 worship time! Beryl will continue to lead SouthWest in worship, with support from the worship team, the second Sunday of the month.

Beryl Barraclough

Beryl Barraclough

Meanwhile, Rev. David gave his first sermon on Sunday, September 16th as the minister for Emmanuel United Church in Cowansville. Louise Smith of EU wrote the following article that appeared in the Sherbrooke Record:

"After nearly a two year search, the Emmanuel United Congregation was very happy with the choice made. Rev. David has an easy going, gregarious style, that warms the heart and makes each person he speaks to feel special and connected to the collective spiritual entity that makes church a living experience.


Rev. David has been a minister in the SouthWest United Church in Verdun for twenty years. They are going to a half-time ministry and so Emmanuel was blessed to get an experienced minister to have as their half-time minister. Rev. David is fully bilingual, energetic, involved in community services, and he made a good impression during his first official Sunday. "

Viva Musica!

SouthWest Music and the 2018 – 2019 season

Another year of wonderful music is upon us, and we are ready to begin preparations for all kinds of events – from regular Sundays to the traditional celebration of Christmas music, by way of special ‘Music Sundays.’

Interested in taking part in any way? Do you sing? Play the bagpipes? Wooden spoons? Free every third week? Let me know!

Easiest if you contact me directly (saromica@yahoo.ca) but the church office can always forward messages as well.

See you soon!

Sarah and the Music Team


Musique Sud-ouest et la nouvelle saison 2018 – 2019

Oui on est prêt! Malgré le beau temps qui continue l’heure est venue de commencer nos préparations pour les célébrations de dimanche, les « dimanches en musique » et même Chantons Noël !

Vous aimez chanter? Vous jouez de la guitare ou la flûte à bec? Vous appréciez toutes styles de musique mais vos propres talents sont à découvrir? Il y a de la place pour tout le monde!

Vous pouvez me contacter directement (saromica@yahoo.ca) ou en laissant un message au bureau de l’église.

J’ai hâte de vous voir!

Sarah + l’équipe de musique
