Better Together Harvest Party/ Fête des récoltes

With the Harvest Season coming to an end, it is that time of the year to thank mother nature for the bountiful crops she has provided. What better way to celebrate this moment than with a Community Harvest Party? SouthWest is a recipient of a $1000 grant from the Aviva Community Fund. So what are we doing with the money? Having friends over, of course!
Please join SouthWest and their team on Wednesday September 26 for a very special Welcome Wednesday Community lunch at 12:30 and visit our Mini Market for some fresh fruits and vegetables at great prices!
Let’s bring together our partners, our volunteer teams and staff BUT most of all the community; an inclusive community event where people can come and enjoy local music, our market, our food opportunities and share SouthWest’s vision “We provide a table where all are welcome, with food for body, mind and spirit.”

Here’s what Aviva says about their initiative:

We believe that good things happen when people come together. Even great things. We get to know our neighbours. We do things to help each other. We become more resilient. That’s why this year’s theme for the Aviva Community Fund is about bringing people together to create change within our community.


To celebrate 10 years of impact, we’re donating another $1 million to fund charitable initiatives across Canada. Because communities are better together

Congrats to our $1,000 #BetterTogether event winners!


Minister's Message: Faith leads us into new ways of being

[This month, Rev. David began splitting his time between SouthWest and Emmanuel United (Cowansville Area Pastoral Charge.)]

I knew ministry would be different at Emmanuel when I got lost heading for a meeting with the Worship/Pastoral care/Christian education team.

I took a wrong turn and ended up passing the Cowansville Institution; then I saw soldiers in full military gear doing maneuvers at the side of the road. And at the end of the day, as I followed my Waze app, I encountered three horses riding on the country road just in front of my car. Prison, soldiers and horses, on the same day. You are not in Verdun anymore, Reverend!!

Last Sunday SouthWest adapted to road work at the church and worshipped at the Mission. I had arrived early for another meeting and was present when the Metro Group gathered. They extended a welcome to their open meeting, and I attended my first ever AA group. They appreciated our letting them keep their regular 10h00 time and helped set up the chairs for our 11h15 service, and even left their coffee and milk for our use.

Faith keeps us looking at what can emerge when we move forward and adapt to changing realities. Faith reminds that when we choose life there will be challenges and joys, new friends and new possibilities. Faith sits us down unexpectedly in another group’s meeting and prays with them the Lord’s Prayer.

I am reminded of these words:

Faith, while trees are still in blossom, plans the pickling of the fruit;
Faith can feel the thrill of harvest when the buds begin to sprout.
Long before the rains were coming, Noah went and built an ark.
Abraham, the lonely migrant, saw the light beyond the dark.

Faith believes that God is faithful: God will be what God will be!
Faith accepts the call, responding, “I am willing, Lord, send me.”

(Voices United 643, Anders Frostenson, 1960)

I prayed with brothers and sisters last Sunday this prayer (this is its original version) written by a Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.

May it be our prayer:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity, the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

Mon Dieu, donne-moi la sérénité d’accepter le choses que je ne peux changer,
le courage de changer les choses que je peux,
et la sagesse d’en connaître la différence

We say/Nous disons: Amen.

Rev. David

First Meli-Melo of the School Year!

If you look at your calendar, you might notice that September 23rd is actually the 4th Sunday of September, but we’re advertising Messy Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month. What?
You’re right: we’re messing with you. This month our informal celebration is the fourth Sunday, but moving forward it will be the third. If you’re the type who likes to mark their calendar ahead of time, here are the next dates:

October 21st
November 18th

The Children’s Christmas Party is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 1st this year. Meanwhile, join us September 23rd at 12:30 for family, food and fun:


Action Day on School Nutrition

SouthWest Kitchens will be preparing some 275 healthy lunches for the students of Verdun Elementary on Thursday, September 20th. Wow!

The action is being undertaken by a collective of Montreal-based community organizations and NGOs who are calling on provincial parties to commit to providing healthy lunches that highlight local and sustainable products in all schools in Quebec. Bilingual press release below.


Meet the Candidates/ Rencontre avec les candidats


Derrière les partis politiques, il y a des hommes et des femmes engagés. Qui sont-ils? Qui sont les candidats de Verdun aux élections provinciales? Qu’est-ce qui les animent et quels sont leurs enjeux prioritaires? Voilà ce à quoi veut répondre cette rencontre d’idées le 19 septembre à 18h30 à la Mission du Sud-Ouest.

Les 6 candidats de Verdun seront assis chacun à une table et par « tranche » de 12 minutes de petits groupes pourront échanger avec eux sur divers sujets. C’est presqu’un « speed dating politique »! L’idée est de vous donner réellement la chance d’échanger, d’argumenter et surtout de mieux connaître chacun des candidats. Vous pourrez ainsi faire un choix éclairé pour les élections!

Cette événement est ouvert à tous les Verdunois: familles, aînés, franco/anglo... les enfants sont les bienvenue! (Baby friendly)

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Behind the political parties, there are committed men and women. Who are they? Who are #Verdun's candidates in the provincial elections? What drives them and what are their priority issues? That's what this meeting of ideas means to answer on September 19th at 6:30PM at SouthWest Mission.

The 6 candidates from Verdun will each sit at a table and small groups will be able to discuss with them on various topics for 12 minute "slices" of time. It's almost a political speed dating! The idea is to really give you the chance to exchange, to argue and especially to better know each candidate. You will be able to make an informed choice for the elections!

This event is open to all Verduners: families, seniors, franco / anglo ... children are welcome! (Baby friendly)

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Minister's Message: Revealing What is Hidden

In the metro heading home I looked around and saw that everyone was using their cell phones, either for emails, texting, games or music. Younger, older, students, teachers, people of all cultures: all with their heads lowered. There were no exceptions!
People appeared tuned out of their immediate surroundings and tuned into other places via the internet. As for me? I looked up, observed this reality and returned to my draft blog post (on my device)!
Remember the buzz a few years ago, that the internet would bring us together? It has, all around the world, but not necessarily to those who are next to us on the metro, bus or even our neighbours next door. Like most things, there is an up side and a down side.

The gospel of Luke (8: 16-18) has the following words of Jesus:

‘No one lights a lamp and covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he sets it on a lampstand, so those who enter can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated. Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen. Whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.’

As a community of faith we are all about relationships. With God, through Jesus, with ourselves and others. We are lamps uncovered, not hidden, shining into various situations and lives. It is light that reveals what is concealed and illuminates hearts and minds with grace and hope. At the core of this text is an exhortation as to how we listen and observe.
My experience in the metro is repeated daily for all of us whether in our primary relationships, at the grocery store or when out for a walk. There is less engagement with people; cell phones lower our eyes and we protect ourselves from others. It is a great challenge to look people in the eyes and be present to them as light, in a common humanity and with openness. If we cannot find the way of being light inviting others in relationship then even what we have may be taken from us. For as followers of Jesus we are called in a fundamental and basic way to listen and observe, engage and share, and in seeking authentic relationships to be a compassionate presence to others. What a challenge this has been and remains for all of us.
Risking being light in the metro means lifting my head, putting away my cell phone, and at a minimum, holding in prayer the needs of those surrounding me.
My human gaze, my smile, my openness to engage are conduits of light. 
Are you nervous yet? I am.
Following Jesus is for those courageous disciples who want to live the intersection of faith and everyday life. If there is hope for ‘church’ it is in seeking out and living human contact in the every day. It is in sharing the story of faith.

Bless O God, our human regard, our eyes with compassion and our hearts with the willingness to be present to those lives intersecting with us everyday. 
Grant us courage to be present to others and ourselves.

Rev. David

Mini-market September 12 septembre

With this year's harvest coming in, we are very happy to have Mini-market back at the Mission every second Wednesday. Join us September 12th between 10:30 and 3:30 for low prices on fresh produce. Consider calling or e-mailing your order in ahead of time using the price list (click on the button below).
As always on Wednesdays, a light lunch will also be on offer at 12:30. All are welcome, donations gratefully accepted.

September Food Calendars

Did you know that every week day, seniors can drop in to a Snack Bar (casse-croûte) at the Centre des ainés located in the Marcel Giroux community centre, any time between 10AM and 3PM? This is just one resource to discover by consulting these monthly calendars put out by Verdun sans faim. One focuses on community meals, the second on markets, food banks and collective kitchens.

Saviez-vous que chaque semaine, de lundi à vendredi, 10H à 15H, les ainés sont acceuillis au Casse-croûte du Centre des ainés localisé au Centre communautaire Marcel-Giroux? Ceci n'est qu'un des ressources alimentaires à découvrir dans les calendriers mensuels fourmis par Verdun sans faim. Où manger vous dirige vers les repas communautaires; Ou cuisiner est votre resource en épiceries à bas prix et cuisines collectives.

Minister's message: Remembering Together

It is one of the things best done in community. Whether a celebration of life service, a candle lighting or gentle prayer, we remember those who die. We pause to give thanks for life, always, and believe that life is sacred both at birth and at death.
Faith expresses itself often through music. One of my favorite hymns was written by Nathalie Sleeth (Voices United 703):

In the bulb, there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise; butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter there's a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

My Mom made a stole filled with images of life, death and rising again: the sun awakening our gardens in the spring, the transformation of caterpillars, the resiliency of nature. I wear it with gratitude and pride. Hope roots our celebrations. Death does not have the final word. Paul wrote: "If Christ has not been raised from death, then you have nothing to believe.//But the truth is that Christ has been raised from death as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised." (1 Corinthians 15: 14, 20). This is our hope.
Over the weekend we remembered together,
Ruth Davie Harrison in a celebration of life at l’Actuelle Funeral home;
John Whitehead in the lighting of a Memorial Candle during Sunday worship by his family;
Baby Noah William Durocher McKeirnon in the presence of those who loved him.
We express our condolences to all families in their time of loss.
We root ourselves in hope and affirm that in the bulb there is a flower!

Rev. David

Un bour-geon cache u-ne ro-se; un pé-pin donne un pom-mier;
les co-cons mé-ta-mor-pho-sent, les pa-pil-lons co-lo-rés !
Dans l’hi-ver et ses froi-du-res dé-jà se tient le prin-temps:
se ré-vè-lent tes pro-mes-ses, Dieu, si mer-veil-leu-se-ment.
