Minister's Message: A Quiet Moment

There are precious moments of rest, of watching the garden grow, of not rushing to do anything, of staying in the present and living today as a gift.

There is a meeting this Sunday at SouthWest that seeks to prepare us for our future. Two motions, one about selling our property and the other to share my ministry with another congregation. That’s a lot to think about. I am learning these last few months that discerning the future is very different than making a decision. The latter can come more easily if we take the time to do the first. We have been through so much these last years, many changes and challenges, there is not much that has stayed the same. 

As I discern my changing role and we collectively discern how to continue serving our neighbours as a community of Christian faith I pray we stay rooted in this moment and in a living faith. 

I pray we all have the wisdom to believe that God is with us in every change we live. And that the address, or the setting of our worship is less important than the joy we find in praying God and being together in joy and celebration. 

Here’s a summer hymn that invites to a quiet moment:

Come and find the quiet centre
in the crowded life we lead,
Find the room for hope to enter, 
find the frame where we are freed:
Clear the chaos and the clutter,
clear our eyes, that we may see
all the things that really matter, 
be at peace and simply be.   

                (Shirley Erena Murray, 1989, VU374)


See you Sunday.

Rev. David

Simple Summer Lunch Été simplicité

Our two-week closure is almost at an end. As of next Wednesday, July 18th, our Community lunches will continue in a simplified form: Every Wednesday from the 18th of July to the 29th of August at 12:30 we will serve up an informal salad lunch in the Mission yard out front. Voluntary contribution. 
Indoor, full-menu Welcome Wednesday lunches will return September 5th.

Notre fermeture de deux semaines est preque terminé. À partir de mercredi prochain, le 18 juillet, nos repas communautaires reviennent en format simplifié. Tous les mercredis à 12 h 30 du 18 juillet au 29 août nous vous servons une salade-repas sans prétention dans la cour de la Mission. Contribution volontaire. 
Les repas communautaires Mercredi m’attend reprendront le 5 septembre.


Offre d'emploi: AgentE de développement

SouthWest, in partnership with several other community organizations, has received funding for a project that is close to our hearts. The Marché Mobile Verdun Mobile Market will take the model of our Mini-markets - which have operated successfully at the Mission for almost two years now - into several HLMs (low-income housing developments). The funding received is to hire a Project manager or Agent de développement. Although English is an asset for this position, fluent French, spoken and written, is a requirement.

En partenariat avec plusieurs autres organismes communautaires, SouthWest a reçu des fonds pour un projet qui nous tient à cœur. Le Marché Mobile Verdun Mobile Market transférera le modèle de nos Mini-marchés - qui fonctionnent avec succès depuis près de deux ans à la Mission - dans plusieurs HLM (logements sociaux à loyer modéré). Le financement reçu servira à embaucher unE agentE de développement. Ça vous intéresse. Cliquez pour en savoir plus:

Future Directions: An important meeting


In order for us to move forward with decisions concerning the future of our congregation, Quebec Presbytery requires that a formal vote take place concerning the selling of SouthWest Property. 

This is a two-item meeting.

Notice is hereby given that votes will be taken on the following motions after worship on Sunday July 15, 2018. (around 11AM)

Motion 1: As we prepare for our future, SouthWest United approves the selling of its church and manse, as is.

Motion 2: SouthWest Congregation approves that the Minister moves to half-time.


Please help us inform all our friends, members and adherents about this important meeting.




Afin que nous puissions aller de l'avant avec les décisions concernant le futur de notre congrégation, le consistoire du Québec exige qu'un vote formel ait lieu concernant la vente de la propriété SouthWest.

Ceci sera une réunion de deux points seulement.
Avis est par la présente donné que les votes sur les deux motions suivantes auront lieu après le culte de dimanche le 15 juillet 2018. (Vers 11H)

Motion 1: Alors que nous préparons notre avenir, SouthWest United approuve la vente de son église et de son presbytère, tel quel.

Motion 2: La congrégation SouthWest approuve que le ministre passe à temps-partielle.


S'il vous plaît, aidez-nous à informer tous nos amis, membres et adhérents de cette importante réunion.

Heat Wave and Remembrance

As the vulnerable succumbed to the extreme high heat this week across Quebec, we pause to remember them, some 33 who died.
We light our candle at worship and hold them, their friends and families in our hearts and prayers.
We ask that neighbours and community show concern for those who are alone, and that our remembrance be a commitment to love our neighbour as we love God and ourselves.

A Heat Wave Prayer:
God of creation,
may the glistening beads of sweat upon our brow, remind us of our baptismal promises;
may the slowing of our paces and practices,
remind us of the sacredness of each moment;
and may the sweltering waves of heated air,
remind us of your Spirit which moves amongst us. 
Keep safe those who work and those who play this day, as we tend to our neighbours in need. Amen.
(Diocese of Niagara, 2013)

Rev. David

We're still in for some more hot days. For tips on how to protect yourself during a heat wave, see this pamphlet from the government of Quebec:

Countdown to General Council

The 43rd General Council of the United Church of Canada takes place July 21st to 27th 2018 in Oshawa, Ontario. This is where many decisions will be made about the future of the church, including the election of a new Moderator. There are 10 candidates from nine different Conferences right across the country. Eight are ordained ministers; two are laypersons. You can read their bios on the General Council website:

The first two days of GC43 are devoted to the Festival of Faith, described as "a celebration of our work and witness through the arts".

What’s happening at the Festival?

  • Music: Experience inspiring performers at multiple stages. Enjoy a DJ, silent dance party and lip-sync competition.

  • Interactive art: Explore amazing art displays, including stories and images of over 80 projects supported by Embracing the Spirit, a new United Church learning network that you can get involved in. Join a Messy Fiesta and paint a pew!

  • Workshops: Be inspired by 25 workshops with leaders from across Canada.
  • Spirituality: Discover different ways to express your faith.
  • Coffee house: Enjoy the open mic experience, spoken word, poems, songs and more. Everyone is welcome to contribute.
  • Artisan market: Explore the market sprinkled with local artisans and social enterprises.
  • The Alvin Dixon Memorial Run/Walk: Start your second day of festival on the right foot at 8am with this 5km run / 2km walk event.

Follow the Festival of Faith on Facebook for details and

Minister's Message: Renovations and Changes

The SouthWest Office has physically closed for two months and the Mission for two weeks, until July 16. The office will adapt with the help of internet and function as best as it is able during this period. Be supportive during this change to our office administrator, Amy. Messages will be reviewed daily but there may not be a real live person answering your calls. I am available throughout the summer and include my cell below to facilitate communication during this time. These are significant renovations that will improve the fire safety of the former Woodland School and secure the Mission space more efficiently. As in all renovations there will be a mess! And the hope of getting to the other side one day.
I brought home six boxes of papers, files, and work that needs attention and sorting. I have a terrible habit of putting papers under my desk and losing files. So this is an opportunity to organize myself better I hope.
Shirley Mitchell has been our “office angel” some eleven years now, coming in at least two days a week. She has helped create the office filing system, has maintained our historic registers impeccably, and kept Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals on track. “Officially” Shirley “retires” as of this week. Unofficially she will remain an off-site consultant! She merits the deep, heartfelt gratitude of the SouthWest family for her commitment and dedication that have sustained us. We are grateful for the time and energy she devoted over the years to our Mission project. Your quiet efficiency, caring discretion and thoughtful opinions will be missed. Thank-you, Shirley.
Check out the summer schedule for SouthWest on this Blog (What’s open and closed/ Ce qui est ouvert) and invite friends to sign up to our newsletter to be kept informed of activities and changes.
When we know the start date of construction on Clémenceau you will be notified of our plan. Thank-you Keith and Darlene for attending the Verdun Borough's information session on our behalf.
My Bible inspiration comes from Proverbs 14: 23. 
Hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table!
For now,I return to the piles of papers needing attention.
And imagine the cleared desk when we return into the office at the end of the summer. 

Rev. David
514 567-7756


Mobile Brunch mobile

Some 200 people came by last Sunday for the St-Jean Baptiste mobile brunch. Whether Sikhs, Christians, people of other religions or no religion, this was neighbours meeting neighbours over food and table. The food was delicious - Thank you to all the cooks of all denominations! - and a good time was had by all.
Thanks to the team who hand-distributed flyers in Crawford Park, and to our MNA Mme. Melançon whose donation helped pay for the event.


Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!

On Canada Day we celebrate our country. 
We recognize the defining moments that have brought us together.
We reflect on how fortunate we are to be Canadian, and what we still need to do to make sure that everyone across this land shares in the same rights and opportunities.

Bonne fête du Canada!

En ce jour de la fête du Canada, nous célébrons notre pays.
Nous reconnaissons les moments déterminants qui nous ont réunis.
Nous réfléchissons à la chance que nous avons d’être Canadiens, et aussi à ce qui reste à faire pour que toute personee à travers ce pays ait accès aux mêmes droits et aux mêmes opportunités. 

This year's Canada Day Parade is on Sunday, July 1st at 11:00am, starting at the corner of St.Catherine and Fort streets, and ending at Place du Canada, where the festivities continue:

Between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m., the parade wraps up at Place du Canada and a huge cake measuring 1.22 metres by 2.44 metres (4' by 8') will be served. It's expected to feed up to 2,500 people.

There will also be face painting and caricatures for kids on site.

All activities, cake and water are free of charge (but bring your own reusable water bottle anyway: it's better for the environment, and it's going to be hot and humid out).

Verdun's own Legion #4 is hosting an Open House in honour of Canada Day, starting at 3pm on Sunday. Join the celebration and enjoy the music of Rick Tennant.





On Sunday, June 24 during the 10AM service, there will be a double baptism. Jestiny Angel and Jewelz Willow Trudeau-Caine are the daughters of Rosita (Rosie) Caine and Jesse Trudeau, and granddaughters of Gloria and Harry Caine. The family are faithful guests at our monthly Messy Church/ Méli-Mélo.


"Miss Ruth" 1917- 2018
Three days short of her one hundred and first birthday, Ruth died in her sleep on April 4, 2018 at C.H.S.L.D Bayview. Ruth excelled as a personal assistant and secretary for Ogilvie Flour Mills and Labatt Brewing Company in Montréal. Ruth willingly provided extended compassionate care for her mother and two of her brothers. Ruth was predeceased by her sister Doris and her brothers Euard, Clifford, Sydney and Raymond. Aunt Ruth is fondly remembered by her nieces Ann and Kathleen (Robert), and her nephew Peter (Suzanne), grandniece/nephews Robin (Robert), Andrew, Dennis (Rachida), and five great-grandnieces/nephews. Heartfelt thanks to Ruth's special friend and caregiver Dann. Interment in Mount Royal Cemetery to follow at a later date. Donations in Ruth's memory to an animal welfare charity of your choice will be appreciated.

Ruth was a long-time congregant of SouthWest. An interment service was performed at Mount Royal cemetery on June 8, 2018 by Darlene Halfyard in the presence of her many nieces and nephews as well as church friends.
